
My baby kicks way tooo hard at 21 weeks?

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im due december 31st, im 21 weeks and my baby is kicking me way too hard. i wake up in the middle of the night because the kicks are soo strong. is this normal? what's my baby doing lol did anyone else have really strong kicks that woke them up at 21 wks?




  1. I'm only a couple weeks further along than you and I get some HARD kicks, sometimes it makes me jump or gasp, so you are fine.  Isn't it cool!  I just started feeling the baby kick on the outside of my belly yesterday, my husband was excited.  I am due on Dec 9th.  There is a message board on for pregnant ladies.  It is set up by month, so everyone on the board is due the same month as you.  Its a good way to get your questions answered and just vent or tell funny stories to others due the same month as you.  Any way here is a link to the December board if you want to check it out.

    You have to sign up I think to talk on it but it tells you what is going on every week in your pregnancy and gives you tips and its helped me a lot.

    Congratulations on your baby!

  2. i don't get woken up by kicks, but this baby kicks like a maniac! my son kicked and was active early on, but it was never so hard it was painful. this girl kicks in a way i didn't know fetuses could!  i don't think there is really a risk or explanation for it...some babies just kick hard and some don't. i wouldn't worry too much, i cringe when my baby gets going, but laugh right after because its so darn cute...but painful!

    congratulations!! i'm due only 6 days before you!!  

  3. i am due dec 20th, and my baby kicks like a maniac too. Most of the time i cant even get a full nights sleep. i have three other children and none of them kicked as much as this one does now, but dont worry at least you know the baby is doing good to be kicking you so hard.

  4. You are lucky I am due dec 31st and the baby hardly moves for me yet.  

  5. Oh yes!! And the kicks only get Good luck.

  6. my baby was the same way, and she still is :) I jus love it, I kinda miss her, if she decides to move only a lil sometime

  7. too bad.  It's not your decision how hard it kicks- it gets to decide.

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