
My baby kitty is like 7 weeks old. and ive had him for 3 weeks. he keeps throwing up and wont eat or drink.?

by  |  earlier

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please, whats wrong?? i haven't taken him to the vet yet




  1. You got a 4 week old kitten who should have been left with his mother until at least 8 weeks old.  You should be feeding him Tiger Milk, a kitten milk substitute, not cow's milk.  You must take him to a vet *immediately*. Kittens that small can dehydrate quickly and die. It might just be worms, or it could be the diet you're feeding him.  If he won't drink water, that's a very bad sign.

  2. That kitten is still not old enough to be away from it's mother.  Take it to the vet, and you may need to feed it formula along with canned/dry food.

  3. You have to take him to a vet.  Better safe than sorry.

  4. take him to the vets its not a sign of a healthy kitten.

  5. get him to the vet asap, i had my 12 week old puppy to the vets today cause he was throwing up and they said it was worms even though he was wormed when i got him and i wormed him this morning but he vomited it back up,check his poo and vomit for worms.hope hes better soon and its not serious,all the best

  6. take your cat to the vet it might be sick

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