
My baby kitty is not walking very good, having trouble with his backend?? ?

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My kitty is just 2wks old the other kittys are doing great, but this one is just having a very tuff time getting around its almost as if he has MS. If anyone knows anything can you please help?? thank you=)




  1. He is too small for you to know anything for sure, give him a chance, he's only 2 weeks old, let him get stronger. You should take all the kittens to the vet soon, so they can be checked out.

  2. My kitty was like this when he was just a few weeks old, until about 8 weeks.  Like his little back legs were sliding out from under him.

    I was worried that he wouldn't thrive.  He cried a lot.

    I brought him home (with his sister) and fed them both as much as they would eat.  Within about a week, he started to get a little pot belly.  Within a month, he had outgrown his sister and was leaping and jumping anywhere he could.  Now he's about 18 lbs, has very strong back legs, but still likes to stretch them out behind him when he lies down.

    Keep an eye on your kitty, and if the problem seems to get worse, get him checked out by the vet when he goes for his first shots.

  3. you really need to take him to the vet , his hips could have problems from being born

    please take him to get checked out very soon

  4. i know a cat that did that, but tahts because his mom tried to smother him and messed up his pelvis.  im not saying that is the case, i would just get it checked out.

  5. Take him to the vet and get him X-rayed cause if it was me I wouldn't want to take a chance.

  6. 2 week old kittens have not gained all mobility yet. Give it another week, then see a vet if he hasn't caught up.  

  7. that is so weird. i have a 2 week old kitten too. anyway, don't worry about it right now they are just learning to walk at this stage and it may take longer for some than others to learn. if it continues in the next couple weeks go to a vet. also researching stuff on the internet may help you.

  8. I have two 4 month old kittens.  Last week my little girl wasn't walking very good and she was having problems getting up from a sitting position.  I took her to the vet and there is a virus that makes their limbs lame and painful to use.  She gave me 3 oral medications for my kitten and by the next night she was back to her little demon self.  I don't know if it's because your kitten is so young or what, but I would definitely take it to the vet.  

  9. He might need one of those roller carts to get around.  Your vet might know where to order one.

  10. Give it a chance.  It might be the runt.

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