
My baby nods her head and makes weird fACE.SHOULD I BE WOORRIED?

by  |  earlier

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well my husband and i have noticed after my daughter had a fever of 100.9 she has been nodding her head when she looks at us like saying no...and makes a weird sour face...she smiles after...should i be worried? other than that she seems like a normal little babygirl.




  1.  My son does the same thing. It started around 8 1/2 months old. I asked his Pediatrician about it at his 9 month check up. He said the baby is just expoloring the movement and how it feels to control his head that way. I was worried too - it seemed a little off ;). But he's totally fine. I noticed that if I shook my head "No", he would examine my movement and then copy it.  He still does it sometimes at almost 10 months but is starting to understand that it means something as I remind him that he is saying "No" each time he does it. I usually follow it up by nodding up and down and saying "Yes" so he isn't just learning a negative word :). 

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