
My baby won't let me burp him!!!?

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This has been going on for a while now and I know is the number one contributing factor to his colic. He's very difficult if not almost impossible to burp. I'll try for so long that he wakes up to eat again before he ever burps. Well now he has started fussing ad squirming to try to eat again while I try to burp him. Therefore it's even harder. I don't know what to do because it's a viscious cycle. I've given him mylicon and gripe water and neither of those helped him burp. His tummy is always upset and he always wants to nurse which is just making him more gassy and upset. HELP!!!!




  1. He needs to pass gas.  At least he is getting it out by passing gas... but he still needs to burp..  He will just have to get upset until he burps.  Stand up and walk if you have to.  Do fast but soft pats on his upper back.  You are only making things worse by letting his cry control you.  Just like you said he is only becoming more gassy...  Stick to your guns and get some burps out or you will pay in the end!!  Good luck Mommy!!!

  2. Which way are you trying burp him (that would be a question mark but my key board is for some reason stuck on the french version), I find that holding him up doesn't work for me, he either needs to be sitting up, or laying down on his belly. I used to lay him on my legs face down and pat his back, worked like a charm.

  3. The best burping postion for me was having my baby on my knee it worked every time, or even try laying  him on his tummy across on  your lap while your sitting down and just pat and message him, maybe that might work and calm him down, i wish u the best  

  4. have you tried burping him on his tummy on your lap?

  5. Hi, I understand exactly how difficult babies can be ;)  Have you tried different positions of burping?   One that worked for me best sitting with my knees together and putting my baby over my knees and rubbing their back.  Give that a go :)

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