
My baby wont walk!!!!!!

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my baby is one now and does not show signs of walking yet how can i encourage him to walk? i have bought walkers and other toys that say they help, but he is only interested in crawling. he can balance himself for a good 8 secs but then just sits down again. other kids in his playschool that are the same age are walking and hes just not interested (i know every kid is different and its all about timeand he will walk when he is ready!) but can you give me any tips you used on your child.




  1. he is fine they other kids are just early walkers

  2. Some children walk later than others because they need a little more time to develop enough strength and balance to actually get up and move. Be patient. I've heard of children not walking until three years of age, but once they were up they were off running.  

  3. Your baby will walk when he's ready if your very concerned take him to the docs.

  4. A baby will walk when they are ready to. My four children all walked at different times.

    1st - 11 months

    2nd - 15 months

    3rd - 12 1/2 months

    4th - 17 months  

  5. Get him standing up, and hold both of his hands. Then say " Okay take one BIG step!" And lead him forward a bit.

    Eventually he'll catch on. Plus, it's a good way to bond.

  6. Oh, no worries.  Our baby didn't walk until 13-14 months, and neither did many people in my family.  Children that are more advanced in talking or finer motor skills may take a little longer because their efforts have been focused elsewhere.

    Just make sure that he has plenty of opportunity to use your furniture for 'cruising' and he will begin to take off one day all at once, you'll see.  

  7. well you can hold him by the hands and help him walk like you do with a baby that is ready to walk that could help or get a walking toy he can hold on to and he will learn from there.

  8. you say you have gotten walkers and things like that, but have you tried walking with him yourself? like holding him up under his armpits or holding onto his waist and walking with him might get him into it more. him standing for the 8 seconds is a good start. just keep practicing with him yourself instead of using the walkers all the time, he might get the hang of it faster that way. good luck.

  9. all i can say is just give it time he will walk when he is ready to walk. My cousin she never crawled she scotted on her butt until she was i would say 16 months old then she started walking...they thought something was wrong with her feet and she was seeing a foot specialest and all that and one day she pulled her self up on the couch and took her first steps out of no where! so every baby is different dont rush him let him take his time and do it when he is ready!

  10. Babies do not grow and develop at the same rate, your child is fine, just not ready to walk yet.  He will start walking when he is ready.  

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