
My babys father is joining the Army or National Guard. What do i do about child support

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I am 6 months pregnant with my first child at 18 years old. Dont beleive in Abortion so even though the father and i arent together i still want this baby. Hes trying to be "mature" and support the child by leaving to either the army or national guard. im not sure he has even decided

How much child support would he have to pay?

and what type of stuff would we have to go through. Cause i dont want to go through a custody battle with him, I just need to know hes gonna support his child




  1. You cant do anything until after the child is born. You then have to establish paternity. He can either volunteer or you go to the local child support office and file for support from the "supposed" father. They then order him to get a paternity test.

    They will then base child support on

    Your income

    His income

    if he has any prior children

    I think by far the most important things here are the child have TWO parents involved in its life, and HEALTH coverage, not what you can get out of him.

  2. If he is going into the Army or National Guard, you will not need to worry about him paying child support.  The armed services do not tolerate deriliction of payment of debts.

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