
My back hurts anyways to get rid of it?

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is there anything I can do to get rid of the pain?




  1. You will need some help to do this. You don't say if it's your lower back or upper, so you can do this on both places. Lay on your stomach in bed, have someone soak a towel with hot water, ring it out and lay it from the top of your back to the bottom. Have a second towel handy to quickly replace the first one when  it cools. Do this until the skin begins to turn slightly red. Have them then massage your back while applying some Aspercreme Cream, if not allergic to aspirin. Do this at least twice a day. Or if you have a bath tub, soak in the hot soap and water, then apply the Aspercreme Cream. It is probably tight muscles giving you the pain or something out of place. If you think it's muscle. lay on your back, legs straight. Star bending your legs toward you until you can grab the knees with your hands. Now pull those legs toward you as far as you can, hold for a minute or so, then release slowly and let the legs go bak staight. You can do tsi three times a day. You can feel the muscles stretch fromyour legs to the middle of your back. Take an Ibuprofen, 600 Mg's, again if not allergic to aspirin, which will help with the pain and keep the muscles loose. I you think you have something out of place, go to a good Chiropractor, who will first take an x-ray to see the bones, then if an adjustment is needed, they will lay you on your stomach, place ice where it hurts, and give you a micrdine treatment which is a stimulation electric vibration. The Chiroprator will then adjust you, it won't hurt, and you could feel as good as new when you leave. If none of the above helps, then you need to see your Doctor. I wsih for you the very best young lady. Good luck.

  2. Icyhot

  3. First you have to know that you have been checked out by a good orthopedist or neurologist

    as they both have interest in this type of pain i know!

    A chiropractor may help or hurt first for a while but either way they will not work on you  without at

    least one x-ray.

    Good Luck.

  4. drink a lot of water & have a balanced diet

    do a lot exercises

    do not remain in a specific posture for a long time. it creates unnecessary strain

    Consult a physician for advice on the medicines or food supplements & physical activities that can help you

    above all ask God's help

    take care

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