
My back hurts pls help (pic included)

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i dunno why but it really hurts there and i didnt fall or something..what do u think is wrong with me..?

im only 16 n its been like 2-3 days

where there is a red dot it hurts:




  1. it looks like your tail bone is hurting. go see a doctor about it.

  2. i have had the same for just over a year i saw the doctor he diddent think anything was wrong with it

    it always hurts and sometimes it gets really really bad i would also like to find out

  3. Is it off to the side any or right in the middle?  If it's off to the side it could be a sciatica nerve injury.

  4. Search for a chiropractor in your area. I work for one and they are amazing at making you feel better. Plus they can tell you whats wrong better then we can. I looks like it could be your sciatic nerve or your si joint may be out. To unsure that it's nothing serious check in with a chiropractor because if you pulled a disc it could be a bit more serious.  

  5. This is an interesting location.  Years and years ago during WW2 thousands of soldiers had been hospitalized with what appeared to be a cyst growing in that very region.  This is a massive batch of ingrown hairs called a pylonidal cyst caused by sitting down on hard surfaces for extended periods of time.  Come to think of it, with our work force being largely seated these days it's a wonder you don't hear about this more.  It may not be what you're experiencing but the discomfort comes from the 'sinuses' that the cyst burrows in the soft tissues of your lower back/tailbone area.  If you've got a lump pretty near dead-center you will definitely need to consult your doc about it, who will subsequently recommend you see a surgeon.  The recovery is pretty standard...four to six weeks.  I've known several people who have had pylonidal cystectomies and they're all right as rain afterwards.  Good luck.

  6. I am also suffering with similar problem.

    1. check your chair, home and office it is not comfortable.

    2. avoid physical activity for some day

    3. important see your doctor

  7. see a doc hon

  8. This is a common place for a cyst.  I'm a little fuzzy on the spelling as I haven't written this word since nursing school.  It's called a pilonidal cyst  It's a sac under the skin at the base of the spine that can become infected and filled with pus..  These cysts are very painful and can appear any time without harming yourself or falling.  It has to be drained, if not, it will become even more painful.  You need to see a doctor now. If you want more info on this, put in the words "pilonidal cysts" on the web search, and there are pictures and explainations.  Hope you feel better soon and go see someone about this because it will not go away on it's own if that's what it is.

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