
My back hurts when playing tennis is that right?

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Ok i just learned how to kick serve and I am able to do it sometimes but the thing is, is it suppose to hurt my back?

Because after kick serving my back hurts the next day and I'm only 14 years old.. is this suppose to happen?

I was taught to throw the ball behind me and bend back to brush up on it..

so any ideas?




  1. You are probably arching or bending your back too much, lay back a little on the kick, don't go for it all in the first couple months. I guessing the pain is located from mid to lower back, so don't strain too much. These pesky back problems will only get worse and affect other areas of the body as you try to compensate.  

  2. There are better ways of generating a kick serve and over-arching your back is not an efficient way forward. Not only would you constantly be hampered by back injuries, reducing practice time and match performance.

    Instead of arching your back to generate spin, may I suggest you use the shoulder rotation. That way, your body generates power and spin about the vertical axis (imagine a line from your head down to the front foot for the serve). The lower back muscles are not meant to be used in such a manner. It's better to utilise the larger muscle groups in the shoulders and legs.

  3. try to have someone massage it, that's what i did, and my pain went away

  4. maybe you should not arch your back so much and try to get back using your shoulder if you understand me.

  5. okay so I'm just a little older than you and i have been having a similar problem. after playing a tournament last weekend my lower back was hurting really bad, i went and got a sports massage the next day.  The lady that gave me the massage said that my back pains were actually a result of strain on my hamstrings.  I know it doesn't sound right, but it made sense when she explained it.  She said that it is really important to streach your back AND you hamstrings (musle on back of thigh) every time before you play.

    dont play for a few days until the pain is gone and taking Alive every day twice a day will help alot too

    also check out getting a sports massage (they really help)

    hope this helps =]

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