
My back tingles when people get close to my face!!?

by  |  earlier

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I've recently discovered that i get tingling sensations down my back when people get close to my left ear or my neck. It doesn't feel bad at all, in fact it feels good. When my boyfriend and i are making out i go crazy when he kisses my ear or my neck. does anybody else every get this?? what does this mean??




  1. i get the same way when my boyfriend is anywhere near my left ear as well. it's really interesting. except i get the tingles down my legs. i don't know why it happens though, or what exactly is going on. good question ;)

  2. Its called an erogenous zone...a point in the body that when stimulated, kissing, touching, etc. awakens your body - you could say - to sexual activity.  You sound young so be safe, but thats what it is.

    There are several of these spots on your body and differs from male to female.  Inner thighs, belly button, behind the knee even, and your feet.  Some are more sensitive then others, which depends on the person and some are highly sensitive like the ear/neck region.  

    Check out the link...

  3. Well it's probably you get excited nervous. It has happened to be few times. Its like your getting shocked thought your whole body. It can also possibly be static electricity.

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