
My back yard has a tree growing *through* a brick wall. How do I kill the thing?

by Guest60396  |  earlier

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I've trimmed as much of the tree as possible and the only parts left are roots growing up and through the wall. I've been dousing the b*****d in nasty chemicals to try and destroy it but it seems to have no effect. Am I looking at a taking the wall apart, removing all fragments of tree then rebuilding? Or can I just annihilate the prick with chemicals, wait for it start rotting and tear it limb from limb (without taking the wall down)?

The previous owner of the house was stupid to let it get this bad. What a complete and utter blaster.


Paul S





    Good luck!

  2. First , WATCH the chemicals youre using!!  Some chemicals are illegal to dump outside , and some even have restrictions on how close they can be used near water sources, including sewer systems.  My major is horticulture , so beleive me ,  I know all about the chemical/pesticide laws.  Call your local extension agent (found in a phone book) , as they are the best source for your areas agriculture issues.  you might also want to ground the stump/roots down as low as possible, creating a basin in the middle , then use a store bought stump killer.   But agian , you must be careful because herbicides kill any plants they come incontact with.  If these options do not work, tear down the wall , and use a tiller , or what ever it takes.   Roots are tough to kill , after all , they hold huge trees up during storms-   good luck with it tho-

  3. 1st of all dont douse it with chemicals like acidic ones

    youre brick wall may weaken and 2nd if your "tree"

    has destroyed enough of your wall then destroy it and rebuild but if youre the type whos patient then douse it with chemicals that are non acidic

  4. have a service come in and remove the roots. until you get all the roots from under the ground, it will continue on!

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