
My bad dreams?

by  |  earlier

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I have a certain nightmare that I have most nights, if anyone can help with the interpretation I will be very grateful. O.k I am with my husband on the street of my childhood home, we are just standing there at first until there is a gun shot from I don't know where, I am looking around and when I look back at my husband (klod) he is lying on the floor. I tell him to stay where he is so that I can go get help, so I start running up the next street, I get half way there and everything has been shut off, I turn around and there is like a block I cannot get through, I can only walk forwards into what looks like a big garden so I start to walk really slow (on my left there is a tall skinny block with someone screaming in but I cannot see anyone, on my right there is a cave that is very dark) I go towards the cave but as I get closer to it I can hear cackling and behind her is whispering, I panic and wake up sweating bad. I have had others but this one seems to play over and over.





  1. Well,after getting allerts,you may have better

    way  trained yourself to adjust  the situations

    in our own style of  our culture and ettiquette,

  2. You may have a subconcious alert in your head, like there

    might be an accident and you can't get help or can't bring yourself to get help, or you are afraid there won't be any help, or something like that!!!  You might feel inadequate about something in your mind that plagues you!! Or,,, it is a fore

    warning of something to come!! What do you eat at night frequently or what is your routine??  Are you a natural worrier about what you can do nothing about??? I am trying to give

    you ideas to solve your own dream!! If you wake up each night with the nightmare, then maybe you should seek professional help!! Good Luck!

  3. Ok... something from your childhood is "blocking" your relationship with your husband.  It is killing your relationship.

    You realize (in your dream) that you need to get help.  This does not mean your husband does not need help (obviously he does!) but you can't fix him.  You can only deal with YOUR own issues and pray for him.  

    The garden probably represents what you WANT your marriage to be.

    The skinny block MAY represent your own panic.

    The cave probably represents the "unknown" and you fear that.  Who is the "her" whispering in the cave?

    Ask God to show you the dead ends, the pitfalls, and the problems that are hurting your relationship with your husband.  As you continue to dream, post them here and let me know you've posted and I'll pray for wisdom and see if I can help (or recommend another friend who might be able to help.)

    Ask God, also, to show you your husband through HIS eyes.  Then you'll have a better idea of what you are dealing with and how to respond.  Be cautious.  Men are more fragile than we women are, even the very best of them.   We can break them w/o even trying or meaning to.  (Don't mention THAT to your hubby.  It will undermine your efforts as God teaches you how to handle him!).

    Pray for wisdom.

    I pray God's blessings and guidance for you and your husband.


  4. This happens to me only when i travel to another country its really weird.. i get nightmares at night then i can't go back to sleep, just like u said u wake up sweaty and freaked. happens to me as well.

  5. IDK, sounds scary.
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