
My ball python doesn't ... ball?

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I've had Stan for 3 months and the only time he has "balled" up is when I first took him out of the tank at the pet store.

He is a real confident guy, very curious and when he is in his hide he curls around but he never stays in his hide long. (He has one on the hot and cool sides so that isn't an issue). He spends most of his time hanging out over his "jungle gym".

When I take him out even if he isn't active he doesn't ball, he just kinda stretches out and stays there.

Is there something wrong with him or is he just... well no. Even if he is socialized I would think he would still ball up, I mean h**l... he's a ball python!

Input? Think there might be something off with him?




  1. I think Stan is fine, and laid back.  But, he is active, for a Ball.  Balls tend to sleep in hiding most of the day, as they're noturnal snakes.  Are you sure the floor of his caging isn't too warm (checked/monitored with a thermometer)?  Heat pads can go bad, and suddenly produce a harmful amount of heat.

    Btw, Ball Pythons are called Balls due to the 'ball like' markings of their pattern.

    When we have our Balls out, they love to stretch out and crawl, or just hang around a neck (not balled), so I wouldn't worry too much about Stan preferring to be stretched out.

    But, I am concerned about his activity/energy level during the day, in his tank.  Recheck all your heat sources, just to be safe.

    I hope this has been helpful.

  2. They ball up as a defense against potential danger. If it doesn't ball up, that means that it feels secure....That's a good thing.

    Most of my ball pythons no longer ball up. They've gotten used to the environment and don't feel threatened.

  3. I don't think there is anything wrong with your pet. Ball pythons ball-up in an attempt at defending themselves. Therefore, they will do it when they feel stressed, threathened or frigthened. if a ball doesn't curl up it just means he is confident and trusting enough to let you see him outside of his hiding place or "comfort area" inside and out of his home. Five out of eight of my pythons haven't balled up once after they began feeling at ease around me.

    If he can curl up in his hides, there are no bumps of displaced areas in his spine and grips your firmly when you handle him, then he's most likely capable of balling up and just chooses not to.

  4. ball pythons only ball up when they feel scared or threatened. he obviously isn't. i have only seen one of my ball pythons do this and its because we first got her so she was scared. dont worry, he is fine. there is nothing wrong with him :)

  5. Here are some pictures of protective "ball" dispositions that, as stated by the other answerers, only do when they feel threatened.

    Here are some pictures of docile ball pythons that ball rather loosely. They might be a little timid (or shy) when being taken out of their enclosures, but not really threatened. This may be the balling up that other people have mentioned. There is also the possibility that they don't handle their snakes very often. Every ball python has it's own personality and different degrees of temperments, therefore different degrees of docility. Yours sounds like he has no fear of being handled.

    Anyway, when a ball python is truly threatened, it will try to get it's head tucked into the ball as much as possible (into the true or full ball pose). The head and neck are the most vulnerable spots for a predator to attack. So if the head is out of the "ball", you can be sure he feel's relatively safe.

  6. nope

    thats actually good!!

    hes happy and curious ;]

    same with my ball python!!

    Ive never ever seen her ball up, not even once

    and I can never get her to keep still and quit wandering into places


  7. ok well first off ball pythons only ball up when they feel scared or threaend so if he's not balling up thats a good thing.

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