
My ball python keeps striking at me? what could have happened?

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Help, i have had my ball python for a year and she always wants to be held as I hold her everyday since she was 6 weeks old, but the last couple of days she strikes continually at the cage when I walk by. What could have happened? She is shedding right now and so I haven't fed her in 2 weeks, so I just fed her and she even struck at me after she finished the mouse. Also I do feed her in another enclosure and make sure my daughter handles the mouse and I handle her so there is no mix up in the smell. She is shedding but has shed her eye caps already, so I am not sure what is going on. I have never had a snake so I would appreciate any advice from you experienced snake owners. thanks so much!!! Lastly, some of you said she might be in "heat" how do I know if she is a "she". I just always call her that. if it is a girl she will be a year in september is that the right time? thanks again!




  1. snakes go into heat just like most other animals, usually causing an increase in aggression. summer is the usual time for this to happen. i had a male and a female columbian red tail boas, both extremely nice, until the female was ready to get laid ( i blame her because i had the male first, and he was never that bad). all bets were off and both snakes were pretty aggressive. they don't have to  be in the same tank, just the general vicinity was enought to do it. also snakes are pretty sensitive when they shed so that could possibly be part of it too.

       there is an awesome snake oil, that helps with keeping skin healthy, and it also makes shedding easier, you can get it at almost any pet store, just ask for snake skin oil. i hope some of this helps ya

  2. ok, it has already been posted about the shed process the blue to clear then the shed.  my concern is the Mouse you said you fed the snake.  does this mean only one mouse?  if so you are under feeding a one year old ball. have you tried rats?  you need to do some research on heat, humidity and all the things that go with that.  I'm not sure if you have done something different like turned the air conditioning on or the heater.  generally the heat is as follows 80-85degrees on one side of the tank and 75-80 on the other so the snake has what is called a cool side and a warm side.  the snake will go to the temp it needs.  another thing is humidity, you should mist your substrate and snake frequently.  when you notice the eyes going blue it is good to get the snake into a tub of water.  you can buy a cheap plastic container and drill some holes about half way up for ventilation.  make sure you put many holes in it to.  fill the tub with water and put your snake in it for 2-4 hours a day until the shed.  i don't believe the idea of the snake being in heat.  your snake should not start biting if you have handled it that much.  try these suggestions and let us know what happens.  feel free to email me if you need more.  epps102403@att.n e t  

  3. How is your snake still shedding but has already shed its eye caps?  Typically, unless the humidity has been too low, snakes shed in one piece from the mouth to the tail.  You realize they go from the blue color back to clear before they shed them off right?  If your snake is shedding in pieces then you may have more issues than just the striking.  

    If it is not what I thought earlier and just poor vision due to shedding then your snake it probably just really hungry.  I don't know what to tell you other than feed it a nice size meal (don't know how big the python is but maybe two or three mice) and hope for the best.

    Sorry my first answer didn't help.

    Good luck

  4. i agree with epps.  are you feeding the snake enough.  she sould be eating a rodent a tiny bit bigger than the thickest part ofher body once every 10 days or so.  there should be a tiny bump in your snake after she eats.  and the whole snake in heat thing is a crock.  i have an adult kingsnake that is a virgin and she is sweet as can be.

  5. In order to tell if a snake is male or female, you have to get it tested. so technically i don't think that matters.

    once she is done shedding, start handling her, even if she does seem like she is moody still.... it could be that someone had handled her wrong and she remembers that (and associates it to people in general rather then the specific person.) being in heat is very possible. you'd have to look up on google "signs your snake is in heat"

    if someone indeed handled her incorrectly, then all you can really do is handle her more (might have to endure a little pain) after you be very kind to her then she should be fine.

    Ordinarily people should handle their snakes at least once a day. That is healthy for the snake and lack of handling could have resulted in her striking.

    There are many reasons.

    Good Luck!

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