
My balloon belly molly is pregnant and anxious?

by  |  earlier

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The last time I moved her to a breeding net to have her fry, it stressed her out so badly, she aborted all 18 fry. It has been 2 months and she is looking very preggers and about ready to burst. What should I do so she doesn`t abort these fry? Leave her in the tank with the other mollies? There is plenty of breeding grass and plants if she does have them in the tank. I would like to save them from the other adult mollies. Help!




  1. I would  get all the other adults out of the tank. That way when she is ready to drop her fry, there will be nothing around to stress her out and tehe fry ( most of them anyway) will be safe in the breeding grass.  

  2. ok if u dont want to stress her out leave her in the tank and keep checking everyday between the breeding grass and plants for babies andmove them to the breeding net for safety  

  3. move the other mollys into the breeder net adn let her have her babys in the tank and pick them out when you see them and put them in a bowl or a cup, then when the molly is done with giving birth dump out the grown up guppies in the breeder net and then dump the babys into the breeder net.    then just go from there.

    this way the mom dont get stressed out or ick

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