
My bank lost my deposit? help!!? out a lot of money!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i made a cash deposit in the over night deposit box. yes i know cash is a bad idea but i have done it so many times before and it was fine. the box door was jammed so i slid it in through the crack and i heard it drop. the bank didnt pay my car payment and sent it back so it was late and now my interest rate has gone up on my car. they refuse to watch the tape of me deposting my money when they told my friend that there cameras are so high tech they can see whats inside our cars. i KNOW i heard it drop because a few nights ago i went back and stuck an empty envelop in the same exact spot i did what i made the deposit and i heard it drop. what can i do about this? they are telling me there is nothing they can do. is there any legal issues with this?? please help im out a lot of money!




  1. free consultation with a lawyer, you may try to take them to court, for all you know a morning employee could have taken the money.  or since the door was broken perhaps some one else came after you and took the money,

    the only way to find out is to check the cameras.  but even then they still cant prove there was money in the enevelope you dropped in.  thats why i rarly use the atm or drop box to depoisit money.  also go into the teller and deposit money.

  2. NEVER EVER EVER deposit cash unless you get a receipt. Guarantee you it was stolen by an employee. You are screwed.

  3. WOW!!!  don't listen to Michelle s, she has NO IDEA what she is talking about.  The night drop at EVERY bank is opened by TWO people. It's called dual control.  

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