
My barrel horse won't enter the gate!?!?

by  |  earlier

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my barrel/game horse won't go near the gate she rares and jumps all over the place. i don't do patterns with her anymore to cool her off but she still won't go in. what else can i do at home and at shows?




  1. that is not a problem of only urs horse thats comon in horses give her 3 days rest and then 5 days only walk in these five days massage is must.spiacialy neck n back n hindqurter.and if possible at 10th days enter her arrena from back side of gate only for walk for only 10 r 15 mintus donot fed her very much grian mix

  2. this is a serious situation, im an equestrian an a retired barrel racer.

    take it nice and slow at home with her, dismount and walk through the gate with her, then mount and walk through it a couple times, then trot throught it a couple times then canter, then gallop, i used this method on a young quarter horse i was working with, it didnt work with her but it worked with another, it all depends

  3. She could be in some sort of physical pain-back pain from a saddle that doesn't fit correctly, or ligaments have been strained. I would suggest getting her checked out by a vet.

    You might be feeding her too much grain or alfalfa hay, which makes her energy level high. Check out this website in sources, it really helped me with my barrel in the same situation

    -Good luck with her & I hope you can get back into racing her soon!

  4. had the same problem mine reared, uh wat worked for me was walking in with a mule wen i got in he left and i just took off, also to prevent this problem from happening is closing the shhot as soon as you enter, before u run, circle him constantly at a walk to get him concentrated and saty away from all horses if possible, be alone the 10 min befroe u run

    hope i helped

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