
My basil plant is flowering????????????

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My basil plant is flowering. I need some info. Anything you got! Websites are good. ANYTHING!




  1. yeah,just continue to care for it as you been

  2. Basils are annuals, meaning that they live out their life cycle in one growing season.  The flowers indicate that your plant is mature and is ready to set seed.  You can prolong the life, and the harvest of leaves, by cutting off the flowers, although the plant is now going to use its energy to produce more flowers.  Many people plant basil successively, like starting new plants every month or so during the growing season, in order to have a constant supply.  

  3. It's doing what it's supposed to - basils are annuals, and they want to set seed and die in one growing season. You can pinch off the flowers as they appear and keep harvesting leaves, but the basil is very determined and you'll get fewer and fewer leaves as it desperately tries to flower. You can try pinching off a longish stem and rooting it in water, which is easy, although the basil will grow for a little while it is still programmed to flower.  

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