
My bbs don't hurt...?

by  |  earlier

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they are usually sore from o to af, but this month just a few aches off and on. has anyone experienced "lack of usual symptoms" and ended up with bfp? af expected in next 48 hours or so.




  1. i think that is normal, each woman and preg. are differen. i have had lack of symptoms and af ended up showing up. however, you could take a hpt now and see what it says. i am sure it's close enough if it shows up neg it would probably relax you enough to get af or if not test again in a few days. good luck!

  2. yes i had a few cramps around 7 dpo and a slightly sore left boob, but that was it, no other af signs at all that's how i knew i was pregnant, fingers crossed for you

  3. I am going through the same thing as you. My breast are usuallly sore for over a week before AF but this time I do not have any soreness what so ever so I thinking I might be preggo but you can never know for sure. Some say it could just be a drop in hormones would could make a person feel little to no symptoms of AF. But I am keeping positive! Mine is not due until about the third of Aug. so I am playing the waiting game to see if I start, if not, then I'm taking a EPT. If you do decide to test early I would go with either EPT or First response, Thery are usually more acurate before expected period. Good Luck and Tons of Baby dust to you!!!!!!

  4. yup i didnt have any symptoms ...except sore b***s but i didnt think anything of it..i thought i was just going to get my period...but i didnt have any cramps or any of the other symptoms i normall get when im supposed to start my period..and i got a psotive 3days after my missed period :)...good luck!!
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