
My bearded dragon's leg was twitching?

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i picked him up and i noticed that his leg was twiching, he's about 2 months old, and he's never done this before, i started to pet him and it stopped, but the next time i picked him up, (the next day) his arm was twiching a little.

what is this?




  1. ok this is going to sound wearid but this is commin so dont worry about it he is starting to shead this is his frist shead so plz if he needs help help him put some water on him but dont touch him

  2. leg twitching is one of the first signs of metabolic bone disease, or MBD. Make sure he has sufficient UV light, and is getting enough calcium in his diet. If you are really unsure, I suggest you get him to a herp vet ASAP to make sure you can stop it before it gets worse. Other ways to check for MBD include: Check for lumps on legs near the joints, watch how often he twitches, watch to see how active he is (does he tend to stay in one place alot?), does his tail appear limp?

    good luck; I certainly hope it isnt anything serious!

  3. Okay, Shorty Girl has you covered on the unabsorbable calcium, calcium, and calcium D3 use; UVB light; etc.  So, she's done a thumbs up job helping you out.

    However, Tommy M needs to do a little research on the cause of impaction.

    Sand and loose substrate are the cause of impaction.  No matter what its age; please do not keep your Beardie on sand.  And a big con (especially with play sand) is that it is had not been baked, and is not reptile safe.  It can be loaded with mites/parasites.  Another con (if you need more) is bacteria.  Sifting debris and fecal matter out of sand does not remove bacteria and small amounts of fecal matter.

    I'll post a few sites below which you might want to check out when you find the time, and learn a bit more about Beardies, and common health problems, as well as care.  But, please note my disclaimer.

    Also, another source for locating a vet in the city of your state is ““.

    I hope this has been helpful, and you get the lil darlin feeling better soon.

  4. I think that's normal.. muscles twitch randomly to make sure the creature/;animal/human is still alive, even dead animals and things twitch, it's some kind of chemical thing I think

    should be normal.. reptiles twitc h a lot more than youd expect XD


  6. Sorry im no help but what is a bearded dragon O.O And where might i get one...

  7. Twitching is a sign of metabolic bone disease (MBD), which occurs when the dragon is not receiving enough calcium in his diet OR is receiving calcium but cannot convert it due to inadequate UVB exposure.  Make sure you have a "good" UVB light (check out for more info on UVB and light ratings).  If you have a tube light, make sure it's within 12" from your dragon.  For tube lights, go with the Repti-SUN (not Repti-Glo!) 10.0 TUBE coils, no compacts!  OR get the best on the market, the MegaRay!  Tube lights need replacing every 5-6 months; MVB's every 9-12.  Of course, if you can give him access to direct sunlight (not filtered through glass or plastic) that's the best!!  I take mine out a couple times a week for about 20 minutes of sunlight, they love it!

    Make sure you're supplementing with a calcium sourse.  Unless you're using a Mercury Vapor Bulb (MVB) you need to have 2 kinds of calcium, pure & with Vitamin D3.  I used to use the pure calcium 3x a week & the Cal +Vit D3 2x a week.  I recommend the Rep-Cal brand, it's tried & true!

    I would also recommend scheduling a visit with a HERP vet, try to find a vet who specializes in reptiles in your area.  Good luck with your baby! ~Michelle

  8. who knows? or cares? take him to vet!

  9. is he lethargic and sometimes unable to move? he may be impacted, which puts pressure on his spinal chord. this come from over feeding and feeding lots of food that has to much chitin, like meal worms.

  10. maybe he is nervous, because some people get twitchy when they are nervous, or maybe he has a pain in his muscle and when he moves it or you pet it it feels better

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