
My bearded dragon dont want to eat vegetables?

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  1. Besides needing a variety, beardies need more nutrition that typical owners give them. Most lettuce is so nutrition bare it does no good at all. When you feed lettuce use romaine or something as rich in nutrients. Here's a good page I use to give me beardie food ideas.

    Fruits are fun for beardies, and mine will never turn down a fresh blueberry! Could you imagine eating one vegetable for your whole life? Mix it up a little! You'll both appreciate it!

  2. Never use iceburg lettuce it will make him sick. Mine eats strawberries blueberries grapes tomatoes green peppers zuccinni solonto but put calcium on everything you can not give them to much calcium but you can definitely give them to little calcium. Also try dandilion out of a yard with no chemicals mine loves them she shreds them like a kid with candy          Good luck

  3. thy dont have to have other vegetables in their diet. all mine eats is lettuce and mealworms and he's doing fine. ive had him for two years and he's perfectly healthy.

    it shouldnt be a problem, he'll be fine =]

  4. The key to a healthy bearded dragon is variety..try not offering the lettuce for a fewdays and believe me when they're hungry enough they wil eat anything..its prob jus bcos its so used to the lettuce that it likes it so much..mine wil eat almost anythin i give er,apples,grapes,strawberries(she luv's them but not too often tho)plums,carrots,greens etc..try mayb putting a few worms in with other frut/veg and he mite pick sum up accidentally and even LIKE them....

  5. Believe it or not, this isn't all that uncommon. For some reason they really like lettuce and will often refuse to eat any other veggies when there is lettuce available.

    A few suggestions. First of all, don't give him light-green iceberg lettuce. It's harder to digest and may give him the runs, or worse. Stick to the darker-colored varieties.

    Have you tried apple? Peel it and cut it into small cubes that will fit into his mouth. You can place these on top of the lettuce and he may actually gobble a few as he tries to get to the lettuce. Sprinkle them with water to keep them soft. Don't bother trying to get him to eat any other type of fruit. I've never known a bearded to go near oranges, bananas, grapes or anything similar. Once in a while mine will eat cucumbers or carrots, so you might want to give these a try.

    Lastly, try other leafy, green veggies. Anything that looks the least bit like lettuce might appeal to your lizard. Visit the grocery and grab a small amount of things like kale, mustard greens, collard greens and even parsley. He'll probably gobble these as readily as the lettuce.

    Good luck.

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