
My bearded dragon had a frog or a toad in its mouth and now can barey move it seems paralyzed what happned?

by Guest58060  |  earlier

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in its mouth and now can barley move it seems paralyzed what happened and what can i do i don't know if i should just kill it or something but im pretty sure it got poisoned




  1. , yea prob a poisonous frog

  2. Chances are that he got poisoned. Either take him to the vet to have the frog surgically removed or wait and see if he'll pass it. If your going wait try not feeding him anything like crickets otherwise it will be difficult for him to pass the frog and insects. I can't really see any frog being deadly toxic he's just going to suffer a lot. Keep Him Hydrated Over The Next Couple Days. If he doesn't pass the frog then he's in trouble. Was the Frog bigger than a mouse? If it wasn't he shouldn't have to much trouble with it. Best Luck With Your Beardie.

    P.S - Give Him a Chance Before Killing Him, You've Invested A lot of Money Into Him To Go And Waste It.

  3. yes.

    it was poisoned.

    it will pass.

    that is unless the toad came from south america.

    then it's dead.

  4. probably a poisonous frog or whatever it was.

    i'd bring your pet to the vet, asap.

  5. you need to take your dragon to a vet immediatley. hopefully it will survive

  6. You didn't say whether or not the toad/frog was actually ingested. Your bearded dragon needs to see a vet, and you need to better supervise your animal.

  7. Frogs and toads both secrete fluid from their skin to deter predators from feeding on them. It's possible that your beardie is now sick after being exposed. You might want to get in touch with a qualified exotics veterinarian as soon as possible, if for only a consult over the phone.

    How was it that a frog/toad managed to get into your beardie's mouth, anyway?  

  8. im gonna guess something different maybe like impaction eating something to large idk though.

    one of symptoms Paralysis

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