
My bearded dragon i have 2 and one kepps digging in the sand and hidding in small spaces wat is going on?

by  |  earlier

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i have two bearded dragons and one keeps digging in the sand and hidding its a girl so im thinking shes laying eggs but im not sure please tell me wat is wrong.




  1. it might be a girl and if it is it is trying to find a place to lay her eggs if not it is just playing or doing things for the heck of it.. i would not be concerned

  2. Sigh.   DO NOT HOUSE THEM TOGETHER.  You're obviously not breeding them, so SEPARATE THEM.  They aren't social lizards, and the do not enjoy each others company.  One will be dominate over the other, out competing it for food and the ideal basking place.  Get another tank.  Sooner or later you run a very good chance of one of them killing or seriously maiming the other one.  After you've done this, if they're adults, you can keep them on sand, but if you're new to keeping them I don't recommend it.  Try some tile if you're new, less chance of impaction.

    And as for the digging, its natural.  Beardies dig, the excavate burrows, all sorts of things.  Its half the fun of keeping a lizard is observing the natural behaviors.  

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