
My bearded dragon is sick, but and i don't know what to do...?

by Guest60172  |  earlier

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I have two bearded dragons tha are a mated pair, i have had the for two or three years or four years. They were about 2 when we got them. Well i think the male is sick. For the past few months he hasn't been moving round much. Now he hasn't been eating much, and has lost alot of wait. The other is fine. His one eye has a little yellowish nasty stuff on it. Today we tried to feed him crickets and he didn't get any, he tried to gpo for a few but wasn't quick enough to get them...he used to always be a heavy eater. My mom won't pay to bring him to a vet, so i wantt to know if there is anything i can do at home to help.




  1. Might I suggest a vet if you are a true animal lover.  Better safe then sorry.  Call the vet as some will give free advice over the phone

  2. your mom has 2 pay for the vet, tell her this is a type of abuse and if a pet is bought its owner must have money for vets. mine got very very sick from not eating. He stopped getting calcium and vitamins which messed up his bones and ended up getting three fractured legs and i had 2 give him liquid medicine by getting it down his throat which was hard he always threw it up. I ended up giving him 2 a vet for this was not the job for a 9 year old. So my point is bad things can happen so u really gotta work on your mom or save up some money fast. Maybe sell some old stuff (garage sale). U might get lucky and have someone in a petstore look at him that works in reptiles and knows about beardies. For eating maybe try this food bowl that vibrates which makes the worms or watever bounce around and all which makes them seem more appealing. I tried pinkies for my little guy also.

    but like someone who already answered said its probably an eye infection

    Wish u tons of luck with your beardie! hope he ends up ok!

    email me on what u do and if he gets better

  3. Really this a serious problem. You should separate them in case it is contagious, but at this point that might not do much good. A vet is really the only person that can treat something like this. It could be anything from a parasite to Adenoviruses. Adenovirus is very very common in beardies and vets are not sure why some older beardies get it. It is a virus that is contagious and causes the problems you are describing. I`m betting if it is a adeno the eye is a secondary infection from the virus. You may want to soak him a least once a day to keep him hydrated and force feed him. but truly he needs a vet.

  4. get him away from other chameleons or you will spread it to the healthy ones. sounds like an eye infection. your local pet store should have eye drops for that but since he is already lost weight then he needs to see a vet asap!!

    reptiles will not eat when they are sick with something. even if there is no physical or visible sign. wish they could talk sometimes :(

  5. No, sorry but the vet is the only way to cure this whatever he's got.

  6. sounds gross but pull the large legs off the crickets so he can catch them offer apricot baby food and separate him from the female turn his heat up and i hope you use a calcium water down dog food( wet)and use a baby med dropper or a eye dropper to get some in him hopes it helps

  7. Give him a pinkie, the extra nutrition should help him out. Make sure there's enough heat in the tank. I hope you aren't keeping your beardies together when they're not being bred! It's too stressful.

    You shouldn't expect your mom to pay for the vet bill; it became your responsibility when you bought them.

  8. I've owned bearded dragons for years. Really the best and only course of action would be to take it to a vet. There isn't stores out there that sell medicine for bearded dragons as they aren't a common pet.

    Do you have the correct lighting for them? You should have a UV bar light as well as a desert style heat lamp, both placed on the top of their living space. Lack of correct lighting is a cause for alot of problems with bearded dragons. Also, you can try placing warm water in your bathtub and letting the dragon sit in it for a bit, just make sure it doesn't get too deep so it doesn't drown obviously.

    But from the puss in the eye,  I would say it has a pretty bad infection which really should ultmately be seen by a vet.

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