
My bearded dragon looks ill!?

by  |  earlier

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My bearded dragon has been acting weird latley and i found a unusual bump on his back and just today i foundd a sore on his underside. I was planning on taking him to the petstore to see if someone could help but i wold like to to hear what you have to say considering im not exactly a reptile expert.





  1. It's tough to say what it may be w/out looking at it or knowing more details. If you're taking to a pet store such a petco, pet supplies plus, etc, don't bother. they wouldn't know a egyptian uromastyx from a mali uromastyx. I would take the beardie to a vet. The systems may sound serious enough to take him to a vet. You will get professional advice and the right diagnosis. I don't think I would bathe a beardie in kool aide btw.

  2. The best advice anyone can give you is to go to the vet as soon as you can.

  3. I wouldnt fully trust the advice for an ill dragon on here, just to be on the safe side. It could be anything, go to the vet or petstore. Good luck. ♥

  4. Well if you have a heat rock that'll do it

  5. The sore could be from any loose crickets you have left in your tank, they tend to nibble on your beardie when your beardie is done feeding.  I would not worry about it unless conditions worsen and he becomes lethargic and stops eating.

  6. i was at a pet store and asked what to do if my beardie looks ill, and they told my to put her in a bath(with warm water), put some kool-aid (or power-aid or gater-aid, if they have that in powder form) powder on a warm damp washcloth, and rub it on ur beardie. when the see the water move they should drink it, plus the powder stuff is gewd for them.

    here are some vids:


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