
My bearded dragon was in the sun today for 2 hours--sorry in a glass aquarium he not well.. is he going to die

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I ws unaware that i should not put him in a glass container. He got too hot. I mist him and i put drops of water in his mouth. What else can I do?




  1. Never,ever leave any animal outside in the sun when they are in a glass container!! It gets just like an oven. You have actually "cooked" your beardie,and he probably won't survive. If he is still alive tomorrow,you need to get him to a vet right away.In the meantime,keep misting him,and try to get some water into him.The person who suggested Pedialyte was correct.Just squirt it in his mouth with an oral syringe,avoiding his windpipe.You can also offer him some mashed banana,which will provide potassium and sugar.  Smear it on the roof of his mouth or on his tongue.Applesauce will work,too.Good luck,and sorry you had to learn your lesson the hard way.

  2. He is over heated but good.

    take a small fan, put it on oscillating mode and let it run on low overnight....not directly on him, so he wont chill, but enough to circulate his body temp again...he will cool down and should be fine.

    I know this, ,my nephew also has one,and he left out once and the vet told him to do the fan thing and it would be fine, he was right....

    no glass, no direct sun light, and if a hot day, no more than an hour..

    good luck

    hope your little beardie gets well soon..

    be careful

  3. Yeah, as you've learned, not a good thing to do.

    Looks like you're doing all you can do. Try giving him some Gatorade in his water. The sugar and electrolytes may help keep him hydrated and give him a boost. Also I'd wouldn't make it too hot in his enclosure for now, or just make sure he has a good temperature gradient for now.

  4. depends are you sure hes over heating?

    cause they are made for that weather, mine had a heat lamp and a pad on at all times and he usually just chilled in his water dish, but if his mouth is wide open then ya id suggest dipping him in water not cold or warm just luke warm and leave it in his cage, see how he reacts and get back to me

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