
My bearded dragon with a digestive problem.?

by  |  earlier

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I have a juvinile beardie that is about 10 months old. he doesnt p**p regularly and wont use his back legs. i did some research about this and i understand it is a digestive problem. i give him a bath every once in a while ad i give him water almost everyday (sometimes when i give it to him he wont drink but this is rare). his arms are very strong from using them all the time but he still wont use his back legs or his tail. i use to feed him mealworms until i found out it was bad. i found out it was bad when he first stopped using his legs. him not using his legs was very random. one day he was fine until one night he spazzed out and had his mouth wide open for a couple of seconds. the day after i saw his legs stopped working. ive been looking up info online about this sinse it first happened. this happend in april and it is currently july. Also there is not vet that treats exotic animals except for one but it is VERY expensive. Please help me cure my beardies problem at home




  1. Don't listen to IrishZomb1E TZA, you cannot what so ever use a heat rock. It will burn the Lizard's belly. They are much too hot for them.

  2. you should really get it checked out by a vet |:

    but if you cant afford it, try and get in touch with someone with  bearded dragon experience.

    i hope he gets better (:

  3. your beardie is extremely impacted, and his legs seem somewhat paralyzed, but im not sure permanently. He ate, or is eating something very bad for him. You need to get a heat rock for him to lay on, and you need to give him a lot of warm baths. Hopefully this will help.

  4. This is a sign he may have a fracture in his back due to metabolic bone disease.  At his age he should not have paralysis from something he ate--which can happen to young beardies if the prey they eat is too big.  The "spazzing" out probably caused the fracture. You can try warm water soaks for 15 minutes a day.  Beardies should be soaked weekly.  Most of the time this is caused by improper UVB lighting.  They need UVB for 12 hours a day, the bulb changed every 6 months, NO glass or plastic between the bulb and lizard, and it must be within 12 inches of the basking spot.  Improper temps will cause poor digestion of vitamins and minerals.  The basking spot should be 100F with a cooler area at the other end of the tank.  Use a digital probe thermometer to measure temps--other types of thermometers are inaccurate and can be off by more than 20F.  Do not use sand or other loose substrate as these can cause fatal impactions.  Feed a variety of insects (no mealies) that have been gutloaded and dusted with Calcium/D3 powder.   Use a multi-vitamin once a week.  Feed a balanced salad daily.  See this website for addtional info:

    Some beardies can recover from MBD and heal, but time will tell.  This is very serious and can be life-threatening.  You really need to take him to an experienced reptile vet--good vet care is part of owning any animal.

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