
My beau broke up with me doesn't know what he wants?

by Guest21433  |  earlier

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We were together for 3 months and I really really care about him A LOT!!! He broke up with me a few days ago because he doesn't know what he wants. We have both been divorced for about a year. He is going on a date with a girl this weekend. He told me that he is going to see other people to see if I am the one he wants. My question is do I sit and wait for him because he is the one I want or do I go out and try to find somebody else. Tired of dating ready to settle down and spend my life with one man. Also we are still talking like friends because I want him in my life whether as a boy friend or friend. Taking what I can get at this point.




  1. Don't just sit there while he dates around.  You go date!  Maybe you'll realize hes not the one you want.  Get out there, this is your life, don't wait around to let someone else tell you if you're good enough or not.

  2. take this opportunity and find if other people are worth your time. it's a good idea to stay friends with him since you both have feelings for each other. However, you should remember that he feels uneasy about you, so don't remain too hopeful. If he really loves you, he wouldn't want to date other people, unless...both of you are very young? That would make some sense.  

  3. find another guy, if he doesnt want only you, then he's not worth it.

    it's like you are his last resort, like he's dating people and if he doesnt find anyone better, he'll stay with you.

    it's bullshit!

    you can find someone better!

    good luck!


  4. I'm a guy - 28/

    Interesting. I understand him

    And I unserstand you

    I should and I am expected to support him out of solidarity, you know.  But.... I really don't know



  5. Aww...that's really crappy of him.  You do not deserve that.  I hope you date other people also and find someone better for you.  When he comes running back, you will be long gone.

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