
My beautiful girlfriend from India?

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I have a girl friend at work who is from india. We get along great and she it a lot of fun to be around. I can tell she really likes me and I am thinking about taking it to the next level but I have never had a relationship with a woman outside of the United States and I am not sure how to do it without breaking some cultural custom or offending her. Can anyone provide some insight on dating women from india?




  1. You can take it to any level with her consent.lolz.  

  2. well, is she indian or american indian? if she is the so called conservative type or if her family is.. then you must handle and approach all things in a smooth and gentle manner.. you must learn to adapt to the indian culture.. and your parents must also like what your doing.. and so as the girl's parents..

    just propose her.. " i love you " like the bollywood movie style.. see some indian cinema.. bollywood ones.. you can know how to woo her already..  

  3. the longer that she has been living outside India, the more influence she would have had from that culture (where she resides/resided).  regardless, u should discuss it with her with an open mind and candidly and she will respect you for that (as long as u dont force her to do anything she doesnt).  


  4. lol, im an indian/fijian/danish guy with more side from india. Let me tell u, Indian girls are the most feisty ones u can get, beleive me. We invented the kamasutra, remember? U won't offend her.

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