
My bedroom is a mess! Organizing ideas? 10 points for best answer!!!!!?

by Guest62243  |  earlier

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Both my sister and I are redoing our rooms. Mine is going to have caramel colored walls, deep red curtains, a mostly white bed, and lots of candles. What do you think?

Only problem is, my sister throws the stuff she doesn't want in my room! (She's 11, I'm 15). It's all pretty much junk and I tell her to stop, but she won't! And once my room is clean, she just gets rid of more of her stuff my 'giving' it to me! She just assumes I want whatever she doesn't! I have lots of clothes but my closet is really small. I have a dresser, too but I put makeup, swimsuits, games and things like that in there and I'm running out of organizing ideas. I also like doing art things, so I have to have space for that too, and I have some stuffed animals, but I can't just put them on my bed. I need space for that stuff too. Please help!!!! My mom said I can't paint my room or start with anything like that until my room is clean! And under my bed is a mess! Any ideas? 10 points for best answer!!!!!!!!




  1. Check out for some great organizational items to help clean up your room.

  2. a few suggestions may hopefully help -

    you can make a kind of mobile with the stuffed animals - clip them (so that you can take them down whenever required) on decorated hangers somewhere along the ceiling.

    try some corner racks/shelves - that'll keep your walls free for artwork, etc. yet utilise a wasted corner.

    make a 'list' of items you want to / can store, categorise them & accordingly buy a few organisers (plastic boxes with drawers) in different shapes & sizes. these will make the room look neat & clean & you can retrieve your stuff easily.

    all the best


  3. I have the same problem. Try buying cute organizing boxes or plastic tubs. Get a hamper or something for your stuffed animals to go in. And to fix the problem with your sister have a cardboard box in your room so whatever she puts in your room put it in the box. After it's full make sure she doesn't want it and donate it. Make sure to hang all your shirts and jeans up and just put other stuff in your dresser. Try getting one of these to put games and make-up in:

    Put whatever doesn't fit in your closet into your dresser and then you should be pretty organized.

    Hope I helped!

  4. Well you know wha? t if you want room you have to start with getting it cleaned out and rid of what you dont use or need. Then see if you like this idea if you don't mind climb a bunk bed. get a bunk bed leave out the bottom bunk you can add a drawer under it  make it work space. add a curtain for privacy extra storage and a your own little private hang out.    

  5. i think you are very smart organizer already! here's a few suggestions; First I suggest taking time to clean under your bed ! Give your self a day 2 yourself and put a sign on your door like- keep out i am cleaning!

    and talk to your parents about your sister respecting your space and giving her a consequence if she violates coming into your room and throwing stuff- (not cool) Hoping that you give your self  time to clean your room and donate the stuff you don't need to charity is probably gonna make you feel good and make some one else happy too.  I found these great plastic long  boxes with wheels that fit under your bed at wallmart and target and you can store art material or shoes ! they are great and not very pricey:) You can also raise your bed with these squarelike blocks that go under the post of your bed if you need

    more room that you can buy @ target/wallmart...I just recently raised my bed and added this containers with all my shoes and believe me it makes a diffrence plus it keeps my shoes away from outside dust  Iike when leave my window open! Just a couple of ideas 2 try and most of all get it done :) you r already doing it! hang in there:)you can do it!  and soon enough you'lll get your room painted :)

  6. Just pick up the things ur sis throws there. To organize, have different boxes of to keep, throw away, or donate. Buy new storage items that take up small place in your closet but can store a lot of things. Hang all your clothes in your closet and kinda have a makeover! Good luck! =) (=

  7. I suggest you get a rubbish bag and go through your room probably!!

    You don't need 200 pencils, or clothes that you don't where or that don't fit you. Or old bits ov paper you have scribbled on. I was bad for that too, and every few weeks I have to do a big clean up cause I can't face throwing things away if there might be the slightest chance of it becoming useful again! If your mum is pissed about you chucking it out, take it to charity. One mans trash is anothers treasure.

    As for your sister, when she dumps c**p in your room, take it straight to the bin.

    You don't -reaaaaally- so much stuff.  

  8. First of all, do what my mother used to call "pitching and bitching."  (I swear this is true.)  You're going to hate yourself for doing it while you're doing it, but DO IT.  Pitch half of your stuff.  You are a pack rat, clearly.  Get rid of all the bologna that you don't use on a weekly basis.  The board game you haven't played since February?  Pitch it.  The magazine from last fall?  Pitch it.  Clothing you haven't worn in the last three weeks?  Pitch it.

    Trust me.  You won't miss the stuff you pitch, and when you're done you'll feel organized and your room will be clean.

    As for your sister, make a pile of her stuff and give her 24 hours to get it out of your room.  If it's not gone, then pitch it too.

    If you fill up several contractor-sized trash bags full of c**p, you'll thank me.

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