
My bedroom is like a pig sty?

by  |  earlier

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Whats the point in cleaning it up? I like the stinky smell LOL




  1. fine dont clean it up but kiss any girlfriends goodbye.

  2. well then , there ya go. live like that...oink...oink

  3. My house is a pigsty never mind the bedroom

  4. There is no point if u like it that way.

    If u do clean it then it will only get messy and smelly again. Im with u on this. Wots the point. After all pigs live in pigsty's!!!!!!

    Wot does that make u?

  5. yuk ur a pig

  6. so whats ur problem them. its not as iuf we have to see it

  7. Disgusting! I dread to think what bacteria is crawling around in there.

  8. I really hope you were kiding about the smell but how about cleaning it like a normal person.

  9. I'm gonna assume you're asking what the point of cleaning it is because someone else suggested you do so.

    I can think of several reasons:

    1) If you have any food scraps of any kind, you can attract all kinds of bugs, including types that do damage to your stuff.

    2) If you live with someone else who is greatly bothered by your room, it will get them to shut up.

    3) If you have friends/a girlfriend who dislikes it, they'll be more willing to hang out at your house.

    4) If you clean it yourself, you may find things you had forgotten about or have a better idea where things are.

    5) You'll have room for other stuff.

    I say clean it.

  10. clean it then  keep it clean yr an adult do it every day then dosnt get too much

  11. Your bedroom is covered in mud and has shït all over the floor?

  12. That's an insult to pigs

    Nice clean creatures who would never think about defecating in their bedrooms

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