
My belly button piercing has a scab next to it that is sore, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I think I was overcleaning it - h2ocean two times a day and cleaning it with dial antibacterial once a day. Someone told me that I should only use one or the other? Right now there's a scab on the right side of my piercing that hurts from gentle touch, bending forward, or anything of that sort. What should I do (besides go to the doctor, I'm sure I can tend to this if I know the proper care). Thank you in advance!




  1. Don't pick at it! That's most important. Also, I don't think you need to be using dial antibacterial soap to clean it. When I got mine pierced I just used H2Ocean twice a day, and then took a q-tip to swab the white goo that comes out. It healed very nicely and it's never been infected. If your piercing is new, soreness is normal. Mine was sore for about the first two weeks. Also, it never hurts to call the place where you got it pierced and ask for help. If it gets worse, you should definitely see a doctor.  

  2. The same thing happened to my piercing. except my lil cousin kinda punched me a wee bit and i had the scabbish thingy from before anyway. tried keeping the piercing but the ring like the part of the skin that had it kinda just got thinner around the whole area dried up and my piercing fell off :S i tried applying antiseptic ointments to avoid further infection and it healed properly after the whole falling off process. i miss my piercing :(

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