
My best freind is teasing me!?

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okay here"s the probelm, i want to boating school and i did"nt pass so i saw my best freind lilana and she gave me these boating cards but she ate them shes really stuipid any way she got in the boat and took the test and quess what? she passed! i cant belive it! and she has a fancy boat and she think she is the smarty one and im stuipid and when she got it she was killing me! why did she had to take the test ? some body help me!




  1. yeah, what the h**l are you talking about

  2. what are you talking about ?..

  3. that dirty stinkin b**ch! who do she think she is?

    i'd go boatin with her and when she not lookin

    into the drink she goes! you smell whats i be


  4. what the h**l are you talking about

    your hard to understand

  5. i think she' sooooo bigheaded  person and stupid [coz she ate boating crads] .why don't tease  her back with saying "you ate boating cards hahaha"

  6. ok well she just thinks she is the best person and is way 2 full of herself if u just ignore her and act like it doesnt bother u im sure it will just blow over and it will all be 4gotten and be old news

  7. omg what the h**l are you talking about

  8. It looks like she is trying to be full of herself and thinks that she is superior than everyone.

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