
My best friend's boyfriend says her lisp is annoying.....?

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what do I do?

he says her lisp is annoying. he's one of my close friends from way back and my girlfriend and I have only been friends for like a year but we're still close. I tried telling him "it's not like her tongue is all over the place when ever she opens her mouth. You can't even tell she has a lisp. you have to listen closley." but he's just like "it gets annoying"

anyway, GUYS, should I convince him that there's more to her than that or what?

I've just gotten used to it. I don't want him to break up with her because he's like her first boyfriend.

Would you break up with your girlfriend because of her lisp? I don't know what to do. I'm caught in the middle.




  1. And this pertains to men's health how?

    Well, it seems to me like he's an inconsiderate jerk.

    If her lisp is a problem to her, then she can get speech therapy to resolve this problem.

  2. i wouldn't leave her because she has a lisp, have to find a way to open you heart and accept people for who they are

  3. No i wouldnt break up with her because of that lol.. just tell him that if he really loves her then he can get used to it. if he says no then just do nothing because he dosnt truely love her.


  4. how rude is he?



  6. Either a) It actually bothers him and nothing you can say to him will make a difference

    or b)  Something else bothers him, and he's just blaming the lisp.  

    In which case either he needs to deal with the real issue, or he comes off acting and looking like a a*****e.

    Basically, he has to decide if the "lisp" is enough to make it worth rejecting her (and making her miserable is one way to reject her even if she sticks with him), or if it's a simple imperfection that he could get used to.

    I'm excluding the possibility that he simply is saying it to tease her, but that is a possibility also.  

    If it's actually serious, the best bet is to remove yourself from the situation.  It's neither your job nor wish to act as a referee in the lisp war, and while you might listen to each side, you're better off acting like Switzerland and taking no one's side.  

    This is simply something they need to deal with.

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