
My best friend REALLY doesnt like Abercrombie, Hollister, and AE and hates it when i wear them?

by  |  earlier

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And please don't say "if shes your best friend than she should accept you" because i know that but this is just the way it is. There are some popular preppy girls at our school and we joke about them. I don't want to be them I just really like AE, Hollister, and Abercrombie. So what can I say to her?




  1. tell him s***w off those stores are pimpin he doesnt got style lol

  2. stay off my back

  3. get some real style and go or go home.

  4. tell her to deal with it.  you dress how you want

  5. just tell her to be just, you're accepting her as a friend not by the way she dresses.

  6. tell her "it ain't your body."

  7. just tell her how you feel

  8. tell her she has very nice teeth, then punch one out of her mouth  

  9. Tell your friend that she shouldn't consider you a "prep" just because of the clothes you wear. You should be able to wear what you want, and your friend has no right to tell you otherwise. If you like what you wear, and are comfortable with it, then go for it! Don't listen to what your friend says, she can't control your style. After all, we can't all wear what suits other people all the time now, can we? Nope.

  10. my best friend here is totally against those clothes & stuff, but she still accepts me because she knows me

    you should just tell her that it's clothes, and she just has to suck it up and look pass it! clothes don't define who you are, and it shouldn't have any impact on your friendship :]

  11. dont let somebody else tell you what not to wear do whatever you want! even if it is your best friend.

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