
My best friend and I had a fight, how do i deal with this situation? Advice?

by  |  earlier

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I'm sad :( My best friend and i had a fight about 4 days ago, and he hung up on me. I got sad and mad, and so then i called him the next day to apologize and i basically poured out all my feelings and reasons for the fight, and then he said "Ok" and it was weird, and he said he needed a while to process everything. I've been waiting for three days. He just started his school on Thursday as well (It was two days before he started school). And so I'm not sure if a lot's on his mind, that's why he didn't call, or maybe he still needs time? Either way i was wondering if i doesn't call tomorrow on Saturday i should call him or maybe Sunday (he doesn't go to church or anything). Any tips and/or advice please? Xoxoxo




  1. I would give him about a week and then call him. Make sure that you explain to him that you just feel kind of anxious about it and you aren't trying to pressure him to "process" faster or anything. That's about all I can really say because I don't have that much information on the fight and you don't have to tell me but that would help people give a fuller answer to your question.

  2. Kill him. And make sure to make it fast and painless.

  3. don't pressure him. give him time - he maybe just trying to teach you a lesson. you already did all you could by apologizing -so so go and kiss a** -because then he'll think he can walk all over you.

  4. give him time. text him asking him how school was and then that should be all. and dont sit around and wait for him to reply. until then, give him space.


    - <3

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