
My best friend and I made love, what should I do now that she regrets it?

by Guest59575  |  earlier

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Me and my best friend which is a girl were hanging out at her house one night and we decided to drink a lil. After a few drinks one thing let to another and we ended up making love , During which we expressed our undying Love for each other (she new I loved her before but she just wanted to be friends). The night was magical and I thought all my dreams and prayers came true. Then when mourning came she said it was a mistake and did not meant it when she said she loves me broke down crying. Later she says for me to give her space.I don't know what to do I love her with all my heart now. I confronted her and told her it wasent a mistake and that I loved her but her response was still the same. its been three days since we talked and I feel weak without her because even though I love her we see each other every day. I need to know what to do in this situation. What will happen to us? Will our Friendship be the same? Will she develop feelings for me? What should I do?I confronted her that same mourning and told her it wasent a mistake. But her respone was still the same. We let our feelings out and then thats when she told me she needs some space. Should I wait for her to call me? or should I call in a few days when she hasent called back? will she forget about me?

Also she said that she screwed up and when I told her she didnt she said and I quote " h**l yeah I screwd up, I slept with you. . .you enjoyed it. I dont even want to think about it" and that part that she says "I slept with you...and you enjoyed it" uhhh. . . what kind of respose was that? I wasent supose to enjoy it? lol can someone explaine to me that? I dont want to ask her cuz am not trying to press the issue.

Oh just to let evryone know I was drunk too and I didnt know what I was doing as well. I only remeber bits and parts. . .but it was the best parts lol

Also she said and I quote "Even though I dont remeber what happend (Thank God) I want some time alone" When she said thank god what did she mean? Does she hate the idea so much that she treats me like I have the pleauge? She had s*x with another best friend (girl) and she didnt act like this!!! Why is she acting like EW EW EW? She didnt act that way when she got tipsy and slept with another guy




  1. I'm confused, is she bi?

  2. She is obviously upset with herself for going there with you as you had/have a special friendship,& she now fears that it just may not ever be the same between the two of you again.If I were you & you want her to still be a part of her life & retain that special friendship,explain to her that you would rather remain friends & to put behind you what happened.It sounds like she is questioning her sexuality,you mentioned she slept with another friend whom is a female,so this is probably her preference & this could be why she said "that you enjoyed it"she may not want to give a guy pleasure sexually.So I dare say she is very confused herself at the moment.You are best to support her on her preference if you want that special friendship back.

  3. maybe because your relationship in the first place was VERY close kind of like family/brother and sister... so you can see why she finds it wrong lol

    hope it all works out for you anyway xxxx

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