
My best friend and the boy I like! PLEASEEE help:(?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, here's how it goes down.

For some reason my best friend doesn't want me dating this guy, but she wants my other friend to date him. I don't really get it but now she suddenly became like best friends with him and his sister. It's just hard because I know she likes him and I feel like I'm constantly fighting for him. Should I back off and let things play out or what should I do??




  1. Wich is more important the guy or the friend?

    Try talking to your friend about.

  2. I would back off......because is a boy that might not evan like you back worth losing a friend that could last you forever? Friends last longer that boyfriends in most I would let it play out...and follow your heart :)

  3. that sounds a little disappointing but just try to talk to him, be his friend or something, don't show too much interest on the guy.  If he's going to be your boyfriend or something it's up to the destiny, be patient  

  4. you know when you get older (outta school and living on your own) you will realize there is more important stuff in the world besides boys!most men are  oinkers who will take anything that looks at them crooked.

  5. Let it go, your friend is being selfish and doesnt want you around "her man" She obviously is possive and doesnt you want you around him. But when they go out (if they ever do) you guys should be hanging out together again.  

  6. Well fight for him or do you want your friend to get him?

  7. A free and easy website to go to to help you is

    You discuss your problems their. But please be discriptive with your answer their please. If you are over 22 don't mention age. They don't serve people over 22 but it is a good service so don't mention real age if over 22.

  8. walk around with her and stick a h0rre sign on her back

  9. well i think if she dont want u to go out with but shes going for it i think first try to talk to her about it and if that doesnt work then i see u try it out to not let her win

  10. omg no dnt back off!

    if u like him then fight for him

    but d**n that may be kinda immature

    so change of plans

    obvioulsy ur friend isnt as much as ur friend like u thought

    so let her have him

    trust me

    if the boy likes u too then he will come to u

    ur not no dog to be fighting for some dude or to even be barking for him

    let things come as they will

    gud luck:)

  11. beat her down.


    not really.

    just talk to her about it.

    be like "why are you becoming such good friends with them? i thought you would eb happy for me, if i went out with him && now i feel like you like him so you are jealous or something"

    something along those lines.

    don't worry about it

    there are tons of other cute guys out there.

    let her  have him && then find an even hotter guy =]

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