
My best friend cut herself.?

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Today me and my best friend went through an ordeal. Her parents read some stuff that we would rather them not have read. Her parents told my parents etc etc. ANYWAYS, She told me later that day (over aim. She secretly got on, on her Itouch) that she had cut herself. This is the first time that she has ever done anything like that. She told me not to worry, that she wasn't thinking. But im still extremely worried, Hearing that my best friend had cut them-self brought tears to my eyes. She said she wont do it again but i don't know if i believe of the worst parts was that she told me that it felt good. Please help

P.S. i do realize that this is a double post, i apologize for that....i was hoping for more answers. The ones i got /DID/ help but i was looking for a little more help.





  1. I have thought many times on cutting myself...I'll be honest...when something bad happens and hurts someone mentally, being hurt physically brings on a 'good' sensation. The good part is your best friend told you she did it..she could have easily kept it to herself so she WANTS you to know...if she was going to do it more often she probably wouldn't have told you. Just keep telling her that you're always there for her and if she tells you again she cut herself then you should really get her some help

  2. my best friend does that to  and she will not stop cause to her that how she gets the pain away and the only i can tell u is keep a eye on her cause i am still try to find away to help my friend out its not easy at all cause u don't want to get her in trouble  so u cant tell her mom and dad so u have just i be there for her  

  3. you know her best.

    for that is your best friend.

    i'm sure you care about her.

    I have many best friends, and If I put myself in your situation [Which I hope I never have to]

    I would most definitely tell her parents...not to get her in trouble but b/c I care.

    For her to say it felt good, would probably mean she'll try it again.

    Get her help ASAP! it's a serious situation and you need to act quickly on it.

    have her call this number or her parents: Cutting - if you cut yourself

    Hotline for Teens who Cut: 1-800-366-8288

    and have them check this website:

    & I'm sure you really don't want to get her into trouble or anything...but if you REALLY care, and love your best NEED to tell her pearents!


  4. Comfort her..... b her therapist. talk to her about it.


  6. You have to make her realize that cutting herself ***indulging pain pongherself*** is just a way for her to focus on another type of pain and forgett about her real pain. She is just hidding and running away, it felt good cause it distracted her and helped her forgett about it all. It the same things drug addicts do. You can suggest stuff that will keep her busy or you can help her confront her true feelings regarding all the drama that is going.

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