
My best friend died : (?

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my friend died 1 year ago tomorrow : ( she died in a car acc. she was 16-years-old same age as me. and we played this song at a school football game that was dedicated to her. I miss her so much she was my best friend we grew up together. i cant believe it has been a year already. i feel like i cannot take this anymore it feels like she died yesterday i am still hurting that bad, the past year it has been the only thing on my mind. i went to counseling at my school for the first 2 months at school do you think i should get help for this still?




  1. i am so sorry your best friend died. my best friend recently told me she was getting to be depressed and i cant stand the thought that she might not be here in a couple of years. if the counciling helped then you should go again. if you ever want to talk you can contact me.

  2. first of all, i am really sorry about your friend

    but if it's bugging you that much then i think you should probably get some help for it. like really she was your best friend so i would imagine that it is ridiculously hard for you to deal with.  

  3. you really should see someone long-term. things like this take more than two months to work through.

    my sympathies. that's really awful.

  4. Wow well i am really sorry to hear that. I could never imagine loosing my best friend or even any of my friends for that matter. I definitley think that you should still get help with this, its going to take a very long time to get over and to tell you the truth you are probably never going to get over it fully. I think you should get all the help you can get because without it you are never going to get over this stump. To help you try getting out with some new people, i know you will always think of her but it will help get her off your mind all the time. Hope i helped! Goodluck with everything..  

  5. That is so sad :( I feel sooooo sorry for you, I think if you think that it helps you then take counseling, also praying is the best thing to do. Ask God to make you feel better. I feel so sorry for you. I would suggest trying to pack up a lot of things on your calender so you won't think about so much. But I do hope I helped.

    Love and Peace,


  6. Am so sorry to hear about your  Friend, i know its hard to go through it.. but only time can heal your Heart. As for getting any help  Am not sure it is really needed.  I know its hard.. but perhaps the fact that its going to be a year tomorrow hurts you even more?? Sometimes the only we can do.. is to let go of the people we love.. i know its hard, trust me i know!. ive been there lived it and moved on.. But letting go is the only way out of this  thing called a " Nightmare". Just keep in mind hun, that only the pass can make you stronger.. keep your chin up! and Good luck! you'll get through it!

    If anything i'll be happy to help you.. Email or im me at

    With love,


  7. im very sorry about this! :'[

    i know how you feel because a friend of mine also died (will be two years in a couple weeks) but because everyone is different, it depends

    if you feel like you should then yes.

    it always helps to talk to people about it and maybe sometimes just cry it out.

    if you feel like this counseling is helping then keep going...

    hope you feel better soon...


  8. i am terribly sorry to hear about that.  if one of my friends died, i dont know if i could take it

    stay strong, you'll get through this.

    again, my sympathies are with you

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