
My best friend died?

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My best friend died after I'd known him for 7 years half my life. We seriously spent every day together walked to school together went to the same class together then after school hung out....He was more of a brother than a friend I even slept at his house half the week and his mother was like another mother...He was the only true friend i've ever had has never screwed me over and was always there when i went through troubles....What can i do to cope....

I know this is going to be said after posting this so s***w the people that are going to say suck it up wow it seems like you were married etc.....




  1. Sorry to hear that.  The two of you must have been really close. Please stay in touch with his mother.  The two of you will need each other for sometime. You need to talk to someone maybe a preacher or a teacher.

  2. So sorry for your loss.  You can never get over it, you just have to get used to it.  If you forget your grief and move on, it seems like you are forgetting him, I know how you feel.  It just takes time and you will slowly feel better.  Good luck.

  3. Falcon..This is an extremely hard time for you to go thru. I believe your friend wouldn't want you to mope around. What would he say to you right now?

    I know you're hurting, missing him, wanting him by your side. Its normal to go thru this.. BUT don't go thru it ALONE!!  Because you need to talk!!! You need to cry!!! He was your "brother."

    To cope need to be with other friends, family members, his mom ...especially his mom. She needs you now more than you need her. Oh yes...!!! You say she WAS like a mother ..what about now? Talk about HIM and the things he did, things he'd say, things that will make you laugh.

  4. You can only take on step at a time. Your going to miss him. You need to let yourself cry for him and if you're not the type to get emotional around others than cry when you have some alone time. Write how you feel down maybe in a letter to him. It may sound silly but you have to let those feelings out. No one can say how long it will be b/4 you feel better but holding it all in won't help you cope. I just recently lost a friend. I've cried and prayed. I am truly sorry for your lost and I pray that you find peace of mind and comfort.

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss. I would rely on faith and god to help me through these dificult times. I'm sure your friend would want you to live the rest of your life as good as you posibly can. Do it for them. Be strong and find comfort in the people around you. I'll pray for you and thier family tonight. Again i'm deeply sorry for your loss.

  6. I don't think there is a way to make this better. Be thankful that you had a good friend like that, and pray or hope that he stands next to you in spirit for the rest of your life. I had a  best friend/brother for 12 years, and it is a very hard thing to ope with. Hang in there.

  7. don't remember the death, remember all the great times you had with him. talk to people about it, your family, other friends, mum, dad, brothers or sisters. think about all the great things he did for you and how much of a great friend he was.

    this stuff really helped when my nan died, and i know it's not the same, but i hope i helped

    i'm really sorry about your friend and you have my deepest sympathies.

  8. Instead of being in misery of his loss, think about how GREAT it is that you were so close before he died. And be very happy, because he gave you such a great friendship. I'm also 14, and I have a very close friend.

    Give him a tribute. Make a scrapbook.  Then  you'll feel better  
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