
My best friend got OUI, what is likely to happen?

by  |  earlier

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my friend was in a wreck, single car, ran into telephone pole (thank god not with another car) he is 18 and under the influence. i was not at the party with him, but from what i heard, absolutely wasted. he bit his tongue so was not able to blow into breathalyzer. they went to the hospital to get blood work. im sure he was very much over the legal limit. the bond was $500. he was told it was an OUI. what is likely to happen. license suspension, jail? he has a clean record.




  1. what will most likely happen,a larger fine,loss of license for 6 months ,or so,alcohol class,possible jail or probation.

    what SHOULD happen,loss of license permanantly for driving under the influence,*** kicked for driving under the influence,put UNDER the jail for driving under the influence.they should have taken blood to prove he was drunk.WHEN will people learn????

  2. In most jurisdictions in the USA he can look forward to $5,000 or more in fines and charges for monitoring equipment.  Some places will suspend his driving privileges until he is 21, others more like 6 months.

    Jail is a real possibility in some jurisdictions, probation in others, he might wind up with a drunk lock on his car's ignition.  He could be put on probation with mandatory drug and alcohol monitoring.  He had a clean record, when the court gets through with him, he'll have at least one misdemeanor conviction that will dog him for life!

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