
My best friend has a boyfriend but now likes another guy? What should she do?

by  |  earlier

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She was friends with the boyfriend before. She doesn't want to harm their relationship. She told the guy she likes that she likes him. WHAT SHOULD SHE DO???????????????????




  1. she should take it to the bedroom and **** him. :D

  2. Tell her to grow up.

    It sounds like she isn't that serious about her current relationship.

  3. you're(yeah, YOU) a w***e, you shouldnt being going out with anyone else whille you have a boyfriend,

    and also i love how the women are not saying sh*t, if a man asked a quesiton like this, they'd be all "your scum", "stick to one girl you pig" ect., total double standard.

  4. thats your friends problem !

    or is it really you ?

  5. the best thing to do is to be honest with her bf. your bestfriend must tell her bf that she like someone else. its much better rather than hide it so the guy can move on fast.

  6. she should break up with her boyfriend. Tell him that she liked it better when they were just friends and that she doesn't want to hurt the friendship and would really like to remain good friends without all the stuff that comes with a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.

  7. pick ONE!

  8. My moto is "If you have to think about whether you love someone er not, you don't rly love them." So if she is into another guy she needs to leave her current one and maybe just date for awhile till she finds out what she rly wants.  Wouldn't be wise to break up with her bf and jump right back into a new relationship.

  9. Determine which she wants to be with and pursue relationship and establish a friends only relationship with the other if possible and if not let go.

  10. bang em just dont tell anyone

  11. well, i understand your "friend's" problem.

    i find that a lot of my friends, including myself, go through this. it's like, as soon as you find the right guy, you find someone else just as great. it's compeltely normal. she'll be ay-okay. tell "her" just to stick with the guy she's with now. if "she" feels it just isn't right anymore, then she should leave. (: i hope i helped you. good luck, jen. i hope you stay with him. (=

    answer my question please:;...

    God bless,


  12. shes stupid as h**l.  

    if she dosent want to be with her current boyfriend she needs to break things between them or hes really going to get hurt.

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