
My best friend has rhematoid arthritis at 31. I am wondering what charities could I fundraise for in support?

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My best friend has rhematoid arthritis at 31. I am wondering what charities could I fundraise for in support?




  1. My oldest daughter had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. She had flare ups and needed treatment from the time she was 2 years old until she was 11 years old. She is now in remission and doing very well. The Arthritis Foundation in our area was very helpful to me during those years. They offered education, support groups, assistance with adaptive supplies in addition to sponsoring research.

    Arthritis Foundation

  2. If you go to google and search for "rheumatoid arthritis charity" you will find lots of arthritis charities. Click the link below to check the charities listed on google:

  3. This might not be what you're expecting, but you should fund raise for Democrats who are pushing for universal health insurance.  They will also fund research for cures.  No short term research is going to make the kind of impact on your friend that universal insurance and good basic medical research will in the long run.  Unfortunately politics are in control of these things, not scientists.

  4. honey half the populatin has arthritis,good luck!!!!!!!!!!! I REALLY MEAN THAT.FROM KATHY A


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