
My best friend has this..?

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Attitude against me, I honestly didn't do nothing wrong to her, and now we're in high school, shes being all, stuck up and has this whole superiority thing in her mind, in middle school she came up to me and said "You're more popular than me" and I replied with a "why does it matter?" And she said "Just saying.."

Her attitude is stuck up, she doesn't even talk to me anymore, shes more into the "popular people" Shes a total btch..




  1. she may not be your best friend anymore.

    i am sorry.

    if she acts like that thats not a real friend.

    good luck.:]

  2. then don't be friends with her.  Popular people tend to be full of themselves, thinks that they are better than everyone and doesn't care for others' needs.

  3. It sounds as if she's been caught in the "Barbie trap" as I call it.

    You wouldn't believe how many friends I've lost to it.  I sat down one day with a person I hadn't talked to for six years and now I'm back in a close-knit group, but none of us are really 'plastic'.  We don't conform, though one is close, but we stick out and we don't care.  If you can take this point of view with you, chances are you'll end up with better grades, and a better life farther on.  I'm a nerd but I honestly don't care what people think.  I like helping, and I've found that getting to know the teachers can help and will also cut you a ton of slack if you're late or forget a homework.

    I don't know if this is what you're like, but I do know that she's probably taken the wrong path .. the one of trying (and obsessing) to fit in.

    If I were you, I wouldn't follow.

  4. oh godd fxck those kind of people i had a friend like that just ditch her babess.

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