
My best friend hates me because I dont feel the same way as him. What should I do?

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My coworker and best friend always hang out. He likes me ALOT as morre than a friend. He would always try to touch me and I set him straight and told him we are just friends. He was understanding but he is being very distant. I never gave him any idea that I wanted to be more than friends. We never even kissed. He found out that I kissed another guy. So now he is avoiding me and not talking to me because he is trying to act like "just friends". I dont know what to do. I told him its not him, I just got out of a crazy relationship and got played so I really need a friend. He is acting like I crushed him so bad. What should I do? I need my friend.




  1. Some people cannot be just friends with theopposite s*x. If he likes you as more don't expect him to not be hurt or act differently. Life is not like that-what you want doesn't always transulate.

  2. He is the one acting silly. Just because you don't feel the same way about him, it doesn't mean he has the right to act like that! If he is going to be like that, and just ignore you then maybe he isn't a good enough friend and he doesn't deserve a friend like you. Don't beg for his friendship or you will look desperate. It won't be long and he will come back and realise your his best friend.

    Best Of Luck :)

  3. Hi Flubber!! I can understand your going through right now!! All I can tell you to do is to apologize and if that doesn't work out then I'll advice you to avoid him and to behave just like him!! Make him feel what you're going through and perhaps if he still wanna be your best friend, he'll return back to you. HOPE EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE FOR YA!  

  4. Well you probably did break his heart if he really likes you alot.  Now if hes avoiding you hes probably just trying to do whats good for him, you can't expect him to be "just friends" when he likes you that much.

  5. Well he sounds like he is really jealous but if he is acting like a jerk there is really nothing you can do! Im so sorry about your previous relationship.

  6. All you can say it that yall never had a relationship or anything like that, and all you have to offer him is friendship. It may hurt, but he can take it or leave it, and apologize.

  7. He was rejected.  He wanted more.  You really need to sit down and talk with him and let him know that you miss him as friend, let him know that even though you don't think of him in a romantic way you value him very much and you want him in your life.  Honesty will take you a long way.

  8. just talk to him and be stern but not mean. tell him that you really like him but not more then a friend. u could even say i like u but dont date people that i work with or sumtin like that. jsut talk to him and it will work out

    Good luck!

  9. Girls often make this mistake with guys...thinking that they can just be friends when there is always a possibility that the guy has stronger feelings. You need a girlfriend. This man has romantic feelings for you and they will get in the way.  He probably is somewhat hurt and feeling rebuffed. Lean on someone else for a while until he gets over this.  

  10. sounds like there is nothing you can do...he needs to grow up and learn that rejection for something more can actually evolve into an extremely strong long-term friendship that can be more meaningful then a romantic relationship.

    Give him time and space to get over being hurt and angry.  maybe hang out with him while there are others around so he has an opportunity to take a break from talking to you.

  11. Tell him straight up that you need a friend, that you are sorry if you offended or hurt him... but you need to know if he can be there for you as a friend....

    if he can't get it through his head then... then you might have to find a new friend.

    To much unnecessary  stress.

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