
My best friend in the world is dating my crush a i just want to tell her that i like him and want to date him

by  |  earlier

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  1. If you tell her this, she will probably make sure you stay away from him.  Just wait until they break up, then start chatting with him to let him know that you are around.  That way, you can still remain best friends.

  2. If she knows that he is your crush, then tell her.  If she is your Best Friend, she might get a little mad, but you told the truth and you will be able to work it out from there.  If she doesn't know, see how things pan out with them.  If they haven't been together long, tell her and maybe she won't care.  I hope this works out for you one way or another.

  3. hey just tell her kindly and tell her how u feel and just try to work it out

  4. now thats what happens when you dont tell your best friends girls...get over it and find another guy...

  5. It all depends. Did she know you had a crush on him before dating him?  If so I wouldn't consider her much of a friend. If she didn't know, you can't blame her and I would just let it go. I don't know that she will just say "okay you can have him". He's dating her and how do you know that he would be interested in you since he is dating her. I wouldn't ruin a freindship over it. You could say something, but they may continue dating and you'll feel awkward around both of them. I guess I am saying is, is it worth losing a friend over, when you risk the chance that he may not feel the same way about you that you feel about him?

  6. Well tell her that u like him and your mad, sad and not okay with her going out with him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. On a man's opinion,just simply tell her.

  8. So tell HER, don't tell us.

  9. If she knew you liked him before she started dating him, then that was pretty S****y of her, and I'd let her know how you feel.

    If not then I think it's first come, first serve.  But if it's killing ya, go ahead and tell her anyway.  If she's really your friend she'll understand and you guys can work it out.  A guy should never come between girlfriends.  ( Good friends are really hard to find though )  It'll work itself out, hang in there.  Trust your gut.

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