
My best friend is a girl.She has a boyfriend. She thinks her boyfriend doesn't like me talking to her.Help Me?

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The couple in question has been going out for 2 or 3 years now. This last Friday, she told me shes trying to distance herself from me. The reason being she doesn't think her boyfriend likes us being friends.

We talk a lot, but she doesn't think that her boyfriend would like that if he knew how much we talked. She says it was easier when we all hung out in a group(I'm afraid to hang out in the group because my ex-girlfriend is in it), but that its awkward when its just me and her.

She also says that whenever I'm mentioned to her boyfriend, she picks up slight irritation. She then says she doesn't want him to find out how much I text her and talk to her, because shes afraid of what it would do to her relationship with him. She said that if anything would happen between them, it would be the end of her world.

She says she really likes me as a friend, but wants to be less of friends so it has no chance of hurting her relationship between her boyfriend. She compared it to that she wouldn't like it if her boyfriend was talking to another girl a lot.

Now for my opinion on the matter. I think that since we are really good friends, and nothing more it shouldn't matter, just like that it shouldn't matter if her boyfriend talked to another girl alot. It really bothers me because I don't want to lose her as a friend, I want things to stay the same. I also don't beleive that it is a very good relationship if she can't even/won't even try to talk to him about it.

Thank you for reading and thank you for your help.




  1. So this is a problem between your best friend and her boyfriend or is this just her boyfriends problem? I can understand why her boyfriend would be upset and maybe a little jealous of you (I think that alot of us wouild be). But I also think that you deserve your say in the matter. If this is really something that you don't want to lose and regret later on (losing people is never fun) then go to her boyfriend yourself and tell him that you want to be HIS friend. Right now, this is something that your best friend is only guessing at. Remember, she only thinks that's what his problem is, but he's never said it before now in all reality. I say that if she's not willing to even talk to him about it, it's time that you gave it a try yourself. And that ex-girlfriend issue is something that i'd answer if this wasn't already so long. Good luck, my friend!

  2. Tell him that you have been best friends with her for __ amount of years and it should bother him b/c he probably has friends that  are girls 2 and if their boyfriends bug him about being friends then why should it be the same with u and if she won't stand up for you maybe your just wasting your time BTW your going to have to face your ex sometime so it's best to do it now then later

  3. well her bf is jealous of you, maybe since you guys been friend you might act a certain that makes him feel weird abt y'all.

    talk to her bf tell him that you guys are very good friends. you a guy so do some guy talk.

    btw: what do you mean it gets awkward when you guys are alone? i mean if you're friends it shouldn't be or maybe you guys have feelings for each other. maybe that's why he's like that. maybe he can see it but you guys don't.

    maybe i'm wrong. i hope you guys stay friend or more. :)

  4. just keep it real gangsta be all like "look dog she's been my friend before you came along so just chill dude, it's cool."

  5. I think that you should tell her how you feel. Tell her that's it's unfair that she's only making her plan of avoiding you benefit her and to consider your point of view. I mean, you have feelings too! And it's not fair that you have to be ignored while she goes off and has a great time with her boyfriend. If she doesn't listen, then just put up with it, if you don't want to lose her. It may be hard, but it's what's best. You should also try talking to her boyfriend and telling him you have no intentions of dating her or trying to ruin the relationship. If you just convince him that you are not trying to flirt or anything I'm sure he will understand. If not, just let it be. I'm sure he will mature and get over the fact that you are her best friend and that's just how it has to be.  

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