
My best friend is a jerk, and has been forever..?

by  |  earlier

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First off, it may seem like ALOT to read, but its not. so please take some time to help me, this is ruining my life, and preventing me from having fun.

Anyways, Wow. Its getting really bad now.

I've been her best friend for 10 years now, but all those years, she's been a total Pain, a total, annoyance, and a MAJOR jerk.

I hate her. But then I don't mind her, Then I HATE her SO much.

You're prolly thinking "Wow, why is she still friends with this girl?"

Well its 'cause we always get in TERRIBLE fights, and then we become friends again, and when she is nice, its really cool. But 90% of the time shes really rude. i've always told her off, but somehow we've become friends again.

Now theres many things that really bugs me about her.

-We get in fights over pointless things, then she trys to win by calling me swears, or dissing the way I live, or something.

-If she steals something of mine, I ask for her to give it back, and she never does. If I take something of hers, just to look at it or something, its always "SARAH give it back, seriously!" or if I ask if I can see a simple thing, its always "NO"

-If I try to help her, she turns it into a bad thing and just makes fights.

-Shes a jerk, she breaks the girl code, and CHOOSES her boyfriend over her friends. [Her Bf happens to be My best guy friend] and her bf would choose his friends over her anyday.

-I tell her that the people she listens to are Tramps, cause they are [Girlicious, etc..] and then she disses the stuff I listen to, then I tell her that she just dissed her boyfriend cause he listens to the EXACT same music as me, and she just says "Well you should keep your opinions to yourself!!" and i'm all like, ugh.. ? lol..

-Shes a REALLY mean, jerkish, spoiled Brat. She gets everything she wants, and still complains. She starts getting all mad at her mom cause her mom wouldn't take her to the movies, and then she takes it out on ALL her friends.

-If we get in a fight, she trys to turn all my friends against me.

Sorry if its a bit long, but she REALLY bugs me.

So, why am I still her friend?

What should I do?

Shes the one thing that makes EVERYTHING worse, in my life.

Please Help :[




  1. It seems that she is not really your friend, she is using you to make herself feel better by upsetting you and putting you down. I had a "friend" like this too. She would flirt with my boyfriends, make friends with my friends, put me down in group situations, when we went clothes shopping she would say anything i looked good in looked c**p and try to get me to buy the stuff i looked c**p in! She would put me down with anything i was happy about. She always tried to look better than me when we went out, she would always show up late when we met up, if i got a hair cut she got a better one , etc, etc........Sound familiar?

    Then when things werent going well for her, she would expect me to drop everything and help her. Then when things were good for her she would ingore me, or put me down.

    I broke off the friendship after 10 or so years, and i missed her at 1st, but then i felt good that i wasnt around someone so mean, she wrecked my confidence.

    I would get rid of her asap, this is not a friendship. Surround yourself with people that make you feel good about yourself, not people that put you down, and dont give into her being upset if you dont see her very much.

    Start by not hanging out with her so much, and do things new that you are interested in so you can make other friends, if you do see her and she is mean then leave early. She will eventually get the message.

    Be aware that she may bit** behind your back or stir up trouble to get back at you. Ignore it all, and dont say anything to anyone about her.

    Respect yourself and dont let others disrespect you, thats not what friends are for.

    Its good that you have realised this in not a real friendship, it sounds like she is really messing with your head.

    Dont let her anymore. Goodluck meeting real friends!

  2. It doesn't sound like you two are really friends.  You're more like acquaintences.  You hang around some of the same people and get along ok, but you don't seem to really connect like friends should.  So write it off as that.  If you see her around great, if you two talk then fine, but don't think she's your best friend because she's not.  Keep it in perspective and it probably won't bother you as much.

  3. leave her .

  4. To me it doesn't sound like there is anything good about this girl. She is spoiled, she sounds s****., opinionated, angry and jealous. Not to mention selfish. I don't know how you could have put up with that for 10 years because I would have been gone. You must be a really nice person because only a person who is DANGEROUSLY nice would put up with someone like this. I say you END this friendship TODAY! You will never find happiness with this person. She will use you and use you until she has used you up.  

  5. seriously...she sounds like a waste of time ...

    kick her away...shes a burden on you...and I'm wondering why you even bother with her?

    ive had a friend like her...scabbed off me most of the i got rid of her...she was boring...just do what i did and stop hanging out with her...

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